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The East Atlantic Flyway of Coastal Birds

The East Atlantic Flyway of Coastal Birds

Peter Prokosch

twarda okładka


The East Atlantic Flyway is a spectacular migratory route for millions of shorebirds, covering 16,000 kilometers from Arctic breeding grounds to wintering destinations in Europe and Africa. Accompanying intrepid ornithologists, we explore the secrets of shorebirds’ migrations, delving into bird biology, coastal landscapes, and wilderness. Their stories unveil the creation of a “string of pearls” – protected areas along the flyway, a result of collaborative efforts. Despite threats like climate change, these tales provide hope and optimism for the future, as they highlight the importance of conservation efforts and the understanding bird biology and behavior.


Embark on an extraordinary journey along the East Atlantic Flyway, a spectacular route traversed by millions of shorebirds as they navigate between their breeding grounds in the Arctic and their wintering destinations in Europe and Africa. Covering up to 16,000 kilometres twice a year, these remarkable creatures engage in one of the most awe-inspiring natural spectacles on Earth.

In this captivating book, we accompany a team of intrepid ornithologists as they unravel the mysteries of shorebird migration. Through their interwoven stories, we gain a profound understanding of the birds’ amazing migratory patterns, their breeding and wintering habitats, and their crucial stopover locations.

Delve into the fascinating world of bird biology and behaviour, where we witness the marvels of blue-green coastal landscapes, the stark beauty of tundra, and the untamed wilderness that these birds call home. Along the way, we discover the essential role of education, community involvement, advocacy, and international cooperation in conserving the precious sites along the flyway.

A String of Pearls: Preserving Vital Habitats
Through tales of discovery, serendipity, and unwavering commitment, we witness the collaborative efforts of dedicated individuals across diverse nations. Their unwavering dedication has led to the creation of a “string of pearls” – a network of national parks and other protected areas that safeguard critical habitats along the flyway.

Challenges and Hope for the Future
While celebrating the remarkable achievements in shorebird conservation, the book also acknowledges the ongoing threats that these birds face. Climate change, habitat loss, and human activities pose significant challenges to their survival.

Despite these obstacles, the stories and outcomes presented in this book offer a glimmer of hope and optimism for the future. By understanding the incredible resilience and adaptability of shorebirds, and by continuing to forge strong international partnerships, we can work towards ensuring the continued protection of these remarkable creatures and the habitats they depend on.

Highlights of the Book
• Provides in-depth insights into the migration strategies of coastal birds.
• Offers an intimate look at the stages of their journey between breeding and wintering grounds.
• Highlights the significance of international collaboration and the exchange of knowledge in shorebird and goose research.
• Celebrates the creation of a “pearl necklace” of protected areas along the East Atlantic Flyway.
• Addresses the challenges posed by climate change and habitat loss.
• Offers a message of hope and optimism for the future of shorebird conservation.

A Must-Read for Bird Enthusiasts and Conservationists
The East Atlantic Flyway of Coastal Birds: 50 Years of Exciting Moments in Nature Conservation and Research is an essential read for anyone fascinated by the natural world, particularly bird enthusiasts and conservationists. It is a testament to the power of scientific collaboration and the unwavering dedication of those committed to protecting the wonders of our planet.




Autor Peter Prokosch
Tytuł The East Atlantic Flyway of Coastal Birds
Objętość 232 strony
Okładka twarda
Wymiary 280 x 210 mm
Termin wydania 2024 [marzec]
Uwagi diagramy, rysunki, tabele


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