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Dinosaurs of the British Isles

Dinosaurs of the British Isles

Dean R Lomax(Author), Nobumichi Tamura(Author), Paul M Barrett

miękka okładka

If you were asked to name a dinosaur, the chances are you would give a foreign example, such as Tyrannosaurus rex, despite the term 'dinosaur' having been conceived by a British palaeontologist for fossils found in England. In fact, the British Isles have their own tyrannosaurs! The very first descriptions of dinosaurs in the early-mid 1800s were all based upon remains discovered in England. Since their initial discovery, dinosaur fossils have been documented at numerous locations across the British Isles, in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Indeed, the Isle of Wight is often referred to as the dinosaur capital of Europe. British dinosaur diversity is rather high, with theropods, sauropods, ornithopods and thyreophorans (stegosaurs and ankylosaurs) all represented. Remains found across the British Isles represent fragments to complete individuals, comprising unique examples. Following a foreword by the leading British dinosaur scientist Dr Paul Barrett (Natural History Museum, London), the authors summarise what is known about the history of every dinosaur species discovered within the British Isles. They include photographs of hundreds of fossils, many of which are usually hidden from view behind the scenes in various museum collections. These are supplemented by scientifically accurate skeletal reconstructions and vivid life reconstructions of how some of the animals most probably appeared when alive. Dinosaurs of the British Isles is truly unique, providing the first comprehensive account on the dinosaurs of the entire British Isles. It will be of interest to a broad audience, from academics to those with a general interest in fossils. It will no doubt form, in part, the early inspiration for some readers to consider palaeontology as a future career.

"Dinosaurs of the British Isles is easily the single best reference on British dinosaurs that has ever been produced. [...] What really sets the book apart are the illustrations. These include over 400 figures, among them hundreds of photos of the most important British dinosaur fossils, reconstructions of what many of these creatures would have looked like in life, geological maps showing where to find dinosaurs in Great Britain today, palaeogeographic maps depicting the position of Britain throughout the Age of Dinosaurs, and photos of field sites. [...] As somebody who studies British dinosaurs, I am certain that this book will be one of the rare volumes that I actually take down from my bookshelf to use. It is a one-stop resource for whatever you want to know about those dinosaurs that once called Britain home [...] The only major shortcoming is that it is not extensively referenced. Relevant papers are not cited in the text and the ‘further reading’ section at the back of the book is far from exhaustive. It may be difficult, therefore, for readers without specialist knowledge of British dinosaurs to use this book as a stepping-stone to the scientific literature.[...]" - Steve Brusatte, The Palaeontological Association Newsletter 87, pp 65-66



Autor Dean R Lomax, Nobumichi Tamura, Paul M Barrett
Tytuł Dinosaurs of the British Isles
Objętość 414 stron
Okładka miękka
Wymiary mm
Termin wydania 2014 [lipiec]
Uwagi kolorowe fotografie, tekst, tabele, 


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